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Meet Pepper the Friendly Bankruptcy

We provide you with an effective solution and powerful way to compose, file, and manage your bankruptcy case.  Pepper the Robot software will be with you every step along the way in filing your case.  Save thousands of dollars in Lawyer and Legal Fees. Get Started Now.

Speed & Security

Flexibility & Scalability

Better Collaboration

File Bankruptcy Online.
Collaborate. Create. Litigage.  

With the Right Software, & Robot Great Things Can Happen


File Your own Bankruptcy case and save over $5,000 on legal fees.   You can license our software and Robot to complete your own bankruptcy.  You can complete your bankruptcy case in record time using this portal.  Pepe, Pepper and NAO has been trained in all the forms and calculations for your bankruptcy case and can even answer questions (not legal advise) related to bankruptcy cases.  


What We Offer - Bankruptcy Software

We offer easy-to-use bankruptcy software that will allow you to complete your bankruptcy filing and get your case filed in court for your protection and the protection of your immediate family allowing you save thousands of dollars in legal fees and attorney fees.


We also offer effective invaluable Adversary Proceeding Software that allows you to sue creditors or other parties allowing you to bring lawsuits to recover money and property from creditors.


We offer technical assistance (not legal advise) and support for all of our software.     


,This software will change your life and your financial position and will enable you to gain a lead over your adversaries.  Our friendly support team will help you each step of the way.

Workflows & Software 
that Work

Our advanced work flows and software will catupult you into the future.


Artificial Intelligence will save you a ton on legal fees in your bankruptcy case or other civil cases.


Simply log in to our bankuptcy portal and you are presented with a whole new integrated solution for your legal defense.  


You dont have to spend tens of thousands of dollars


Once presented with the Matrix Programs you will be surprised as to what you can do on your own.


Comprehensive 24 Hour Customer Support

We are here 24 hours a day for you.  We care about you and your family and will do everything in our power to support you.  Our 24 Hour ticket system is designed to take requests 24 hours a day from customers.

Smart Automation Tools

Pepper is our amazing ai Robot.  We have p;rogrammed him to understand all of the legal forms uised in Bankruptcy, Civil, and Criminal Law.


The software can be download and used to formulate complex pleadins such as Bankruptcies, Lawsuit, Adversary Proceedings, and almost anything you may need to compolete the task.



All-In-One Solution


Built for Creatives by Creatives

Our system was built for anybody to use.   You don't have to have any experience with the law because our Robot will guide you every step of the way.


You can still hire a lawyer at anytime but why would you do that when you are in total control with our pepper Robot and Programs.




File Sharing

Total Design

Trusted Among Industry Leaders

Our software is deployed worldwide by trusted companies.

What Our Clients Say

Simply Awesome !
James, F. Houston, TX

Deena Levies,
Mission Bay

Tom Smithenson, Parkmerced

Tilly Green,
Hayes Valley

This is some serious software to stop any crook.  I was able to recover over 100K using the Adversary Proceeding and Federal Court sotwawre.
V. H. Los Angeles Ca.
This system blew my adversary out of the waters. They were forecloing my home illegally but I was able to launch the Adversary Proceeding Program.
I am amazed at what this software and robot can do.
Julie B. - Los Angeles

Explore Our Pricing Options

Starting at just $149,95 you can complete your bankruptcy papers

and file your case.


However, if you do not plan on hiring a lawyers, then you will still need assistance when working your bankruptcy case.  You can use our advance 4 Month license that allows you to use our Artificial Intelligence Portal for 4 months to complete your bankruptcy case.  This would be the best option if you have never represented yoiurself before because the Robot can assist you in getting things done in your case, just like a real bankrutpcy lawyer.





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